Open text-manipulation in Script Kit
Inspired by a mix of an old Pipe workflow for Alfred mixed with the String Manipulation Plugin for Jetbrains IDEs. It will transform the current content of the clipboard based on the operation you select. Some operations require a parameter (joinBy
for example), in those cases it asks for it. Both in the operation selection and parameter it shows a preview of the resulting text.
If you select an operation by Cmd + enter
you'll be prompted by another operation to select after the first one is finished, and you can continue "piping" the outputs until you're done. Since it's common for me to Cmd + enter
one last time and don't actually need the transformation there's a No Operation
transform to select on this cases.
Use cases:
, join them by \n
, paste in ScriptKit or Alfred for sum resultIt's hard to explain how useful this ends up being in my day to day
// Name: Text Manipulation// Description: Transform clipboard text based on user-selected optionsimport "@johnlindquist/kit"let transformations = {upperCase: text => text.toUpperCase(),lowerCase: text => text.toLowerCase(),capitalize: text => text.split('\n').map(line => line.split(' ').map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)).join(' ')).join('\n'),decodeUrl: text => text.split('\n').map(line => decodeURIComponent(line)).join('\n'),snakeCase: text => text.split('\n').map(line => line.replace(/[\s-_]+(\w)/g, (_, p) => `_${p.toLowerCase()}`).replace(/^[A-Z]/, match => match.toLowerCase())).join('\n'),camelCase: text => text.split('\n').map(line => line.replace(/[\s-_]+(\w)/g, (_, p) => p.toUpperCase()).replace(/^[A-Z]/, match => match.toLowerCase())).join('\n'),kebabCase: text => text.split('\n').map(line => line.replace(/[\s-_]+(\w)/g, (_, p) => `-${p.toLowerCase()}`).replace(/^[A-Z]/, match => match.toLowerCase())).join('\n'),reverseCharacters: text => text.split('\n').map(line => line.split('').reverse().join('')).join('\n'),removeDuplicateLines: text => {let lines = text.split('\n');return [ Set(lines)].join('\n');},keepOnlyDuplicateLines: text => {let lines = text.split('\n');let duplicates = lines.filter((item, index) => lines.indexOf(item) !== index);return [ Set(duplicates)].join('\n');},removeEmptyLines: text => text.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim() !== '').join('\n'),removeAllNewLines: text => text.split('\n').map(line => line.trim()).join(''),trimEachLine: text => text.split('\n').map(line => line.trim()).join('\n'),sortLinesAlphabetically: text => text.split('\n').sort().join('\n'),sortLinesNumerically: text => text.split('\n').sort((a, b) => a - b).join('\n'),reverseLines: text => text.split('\n').reverse().join('\n'),shuffleLines: text => {let lines = text.split('\n')for (let i = lines.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))let temp = lines[i]lines[i] = lines[j]lines[j] = temp}return lines.join('\n')},joinBy: (text, separator) => text.split('\n').join(separator),splitBy: (text, separator) => text.split(separator).join('\n'),removeWrapping: text => {const lines = text.split('\n');const matchingPairs = [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'], ['{', '}'], ['<', '>'], ['"', '"'], ["'", "'"]];return => {const firstChar = line.charAt(0);const lastChar = line.charAt(line.length - 1);for (const [open, close] of matchingPairs) {if (firstChar === open && lastChar === close) {return line.slice(1, -1);}}if (firstChar === lastChar) {return line.slice(1, -1);}return line;}).join('\n');},wrapEachLine: (text, wrapper) => {const lines = text.split('\n');return => `${wrapper}${line}${wrapper}`).join('\n');},captureEachLine: (text, regex) => {const lines = text.split('\n');const pattern = new RegExp(regex);return => {const match = line.match(pattern);return match ? match[0] : '';}).join('\n');},removeLinesMatching: (text, regex) => {if (regex.length === 0) return text;const lines = text.split('\n');const pattern = new RegExp(regex, 'i');return lines.filter(line => !pattern.test(line)).join('\n');},keepLinesMatching: (text, regex) => {if (regex.length === 0) return text;const lines = text.split('\n');const pattern = new RegExp(regex, 'i')return lines.filter(line => pattern.test(line)).join('\n');},prependTextToAllLines: (text, prefix) => {const lines = text.split('\n');return => prefix + line).join('\n');},appendTextToAllLines: (text, suffix) => {const lines = text.split('\n');return => line + suffix).join('\n');},replaceRegexInAllLines: (text, regexWithReplacement) => {const [regex, replacement] = regexWithReplacement.split('|');const pattern = new RegExp(regex, 'g');const lines = text.split('\n');return => line.replace(pattern, replacement)).join('\n');},removeRegexInAllLines: (text, regex) => {const pattern = new RegExp(regex, 'g');const lines = text.split('\n');return => line.replace(pattern, '')).join('\n');},generateNumberedList: (text) => {const lines = text.split('\n');return, index) => `${index + 1}. ${line}`).join('\n');},noop: text => text,}let options = [// Existing options here{name: "Decode URL", description: "Decode a URL-encoded text", value: {key: "decodeUrl"}},{name: "Upper Case",description: "Transform the entire text to upper case",value: {key: "upperCase",},},{name: "Lower Case",description: "Transform the entire text to lower case",value: {key: "lowerCase",},},{name: "snake_case", description: "Convert text to snake_case", value: {key: "snakeCase"}},{name: "Capitalize", description: "Convert text to Capital Case", value: {key: "capitalize"}},{name: "camelCase", description: "Convert text to camelCase", value: {key: "camelCase"}},{name: "kebab-case", description: "Convert text to kebab-case", value: {key: "kebabCase"}},{name: "Reverse Characters", description: "Reverse the characters in the text", value: {key: "reverseCharacters"}},{name: "Remove Duplicate Lines",description: "Remove duplicate lines from the text",value: {key: "removeDuplicateLines"}},{name: "Keep Only Duplicate Lines",description: "Keep only duplicate lines in the text",value: {key: "keepOnlyDuplicateLines"}},{name: "Remove Empty Lines", description: "Remove empty lines from the text", value: {key: "removeEmptyLines"}},{name: "Remove All New Lines", description: "Remove all new lines from the text", value: {key: "removeAllNewLines"}},{name: "Trim Each Line",description: "Trim whitespace from the beginning and end of each line",value: {key: "trimEachLine"}},{name: "Sort Lines Alphabetically", description: "Sort lines alphabetically", value: {key: "sortLinesAlphabetically"}},{name: "Sort Lines Numerically", description: "Sort lines numerically", value: {key: "sortLinesNumerically"}},{name: "Reverse Lines", description: "Reverse the order of lines", value: {key: "reverseLines"}},{name: "Shuffle Lines", description: "Randomly shuffle the order of lines", value: {key: "shuffleLines"}},{name: "Join By",description: "Join lines by a custom separator",value: {key: "joinBy",parameter: {name: "Separator",description: "Enter a separator to join lines",defaultValue: ",",},},},{name: "Split By",description: "Split lines by a custom separator",value: {key: "splitBy",parameter: {name: "Separator",description: "Enter a separator to split lines",},},},{name: "Remove Wrapping",description: "Remove wrapping characters from each line",value: {key: "removeWrapping",},},{name: "Wrap Each Line With",description: "Wrap each line with a custom character or string",value: {key: "wrapEachLine",parameter: {name: "Wrapper",description: "Enter a wrapper for each line",defaultValue: '"',},},},{name: "Capture Each Line",description: "Capture and return the first match of a regex pattern in each line",value: {key: "captureEachLine",parameter: {name: "Pattern",description: "Enter a regex pattern to capture",defaultValue: "\\d+",},},},{name: "Remove Lines Matching",description: "Remove lines that match the given regex",value: {key: "removeLinesMatching",parameter: {name: "Regex",description: "Enter a regex to match lines to remove",defaultValue: '',},},},{name: "Keep Lines Matching",description: "Keep lines that match the given regex",value: {key: "keepLinesMatching",parameter: {name: "Regex",description: "Enter a regex to match lines to keep",defaultValue: '',},},},{name: "Prepend Text to All Lines",description: "Add text to the beginning of all lines",value: {key: "prependTextToAllLines",parameter: {name: "Text",description: "Enter text to prepend to all lines",defaultValue: '',},},},{name: "Append Text to All Lines",description: "Add text to the end of all lines",value: {key: "appendTextToAllLines",parameter: {name: "Text",description: "Enter text to append to all lines",defaultValue: '',},},},{name: "Replace Regex in All Lines",description: "Replace regex matches in all lines with specified text",value: {key: "replaceRegexInAllLines",parameter: {name: "Regex and Replacement",description: "Enter regex and replacement text separated by a '|'",defaultValue: '',},},},{name: "Generate Numbered List",description: "Prepend numbers to each line",value: {key: "generateNumberedList",},},{name: "Remove Regex In All Lines",description: "Remove matches of the provided regex in all lines",value: {key: "removeRegexInAllLines",parameter: {name: "Regex",description: "Enter a regex to remove from all lines",},},},{name: "No Operation",description: "Do nothing to the text, if you accidentally hit Cmd + enter and need no more transformations",}]const handleTransformation = async (text, transformation) => {let {key, parameter} = transformation;let paramValue = parameter ? await arg({input: parameter.defaultValue,}, (input) => md(`<pre>${transformations[key](text, input)}</pre>`)) : null;return transformations[key](text, paramValue);};let flags = {rerun: {name: "Rerun",shortcut: "cmd+enter",},}let clipboardText = await clipboard.readText()let operations: string[] = []let rerun = true;while (rerun) {let transformation = await arg({placeholder: "Choose a text transformation (Cmd + enter to rerun)",flags,hint: operations.join(' > '),},options.sort((a, b) => => {return {...option,preview: () => {try {if (option.value.parameter) throw '';return md(`<pre>${transformations[option.value.key](clipboardText)}</pre>`)} catch (e) {return '...'}},}}))rerun = flag?.rerun as boolean;clipboardText = await handleTransformation(clipboardText, transformation);operations.push(transformation.key);}await clipboard.writeText(clipboardText)await notify("Text transformation applied and copied to clipboard")