Open open-in-whatsapp in Script Kit

Another simple script for opening a phone number in WhatsApp to chat. It fetches the number from the clipboard, and if no country code is provided it assumes Argentina, where I'm from, but of course change it to your default country

// Name: Open in WhatsApp
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
//get the text from the clipboard
let text = await clipboard.readText();
//normalize the text
text = text.replace(/[-() ]/g, "");
//validate if valid phone number
if (!text.match(/^(\+\d{12,13})|(\d{10,11})$/)) {
notify("Invalid phone number");
//assume Argentina if no country code since that's where I'm from
if (!text.startsWith("+")) {
text = "+54" + text;
//open in WhatsApp