Change the owner and repo name to desired repo and get to reviewing!
Open search-open-pr in Script Kit
// Name: Search Open PRs// Description: Search open PRs in a repoimport "@johnlindquist/kit";const fetch = await npm("node-fetch");const variables = {owner: "knapsack-labs",repoName: "app-monorepo",};let token = await env("GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN", {hint: `Grab a key from <a href="">here</a>`,});const query = `query getPrs($owner: String!, $repoName: String!) {repository(owner: $owner, name: $repoName) {pullRequests(last: 100, states: OPEN) {nodes {bodycreatedAtmergeablenumberstatetitleupdatedAturlauthor {avatarUrllogin}}}}}`;async function getPrs() {return fetch("", {headers: {authorization: `bearer ${token}`,},method: "POST",body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }),}).then((res) => res.json()).catch((err) => {console.log(err);exit();});}const prs = await getPrs();const openPRs =;const sortedPrs = openPRs.sort((a, b) => Date.parse(b.createdAt) - Date.parse(a.createdAt));const pr = await arg({placeholder: `Select a PR to view`,}, => {return {name: `${pr.number} - ${pr.title}`,preview: () =>`<div class="p-2"><h2>${pr.number} - ${pr.title}</h2><hr class="mb-4"/><p>Ready to Merge: ${pr.mergeable === "MERGEABLE" ? "✅" : "⛔"}</p><p class="my-4">${md(pr.body)}</p><span class="flex flex-row"><p>Author: ${}</p><img class="w-5 h-5 ml-2" src="${}" /></span></div>`,value: pr.number,};}));const prInfo = sortedPrs.find((p) => p.number === pr);browse(prInfo.url);