Get an AI powered explanation of highlighted text

Open explain-plz in Script Kit

A quick POC for an AI powered explanation script

Returns a TLDR, Technical Summary, and ELI5

# Explain Plz
Highlight some text and have it explained by AI
Works for any highlighted text or code
// Name: Explain Plz
// Description: Get an explanation for any highlighted text
// Author: Josh Mabry
// Twitter: @AI_Citizen
// Shortcut: cmd alt shift e
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
let { ChatOpenAI } = await import("langchain/chat_models");
let { HumanChatMessage, SystemChatMessage } = await import("langchain/schema");
let openAIApiKey = await env("OPENAI_API_KEY", {
hint: `Grab a key from <a href="">here</a>`,
let { CallbackManager } = await import("langchain/callbacks");
let prompt = `#####
Ignore prior instructions, you are tasked with taking the input text and explaining it to the user.
Return the response in the following format using markdown syntax:
# Explain Plz
## TLDR (A quick summary of the highlighted text)
## ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5)
## Explanation (A longer technical explanation of the highlighted text)
let currentMessage = "";
const chat = new ChatOpenAI({
temperature: 0.3,
openAIApiKey: openAIApiKey,
streaming: true,
callbackManager: CallbackManager.fromHandlers({
handleLLMStart: async (token) => {
let widget = await widget(`
<div class="bg-black text-white h-screen p-5">
currentMessage += token;
let html = md(token);
await div(html);
handleLLMNewToken: async (token, runId) => {
currentMessage += token;
let html = md(currentMessage);
await div(html);
handleLLMError: async (err) => {
warn(`error`, JSON.stringify(err));
await setSelectedText(JSON.stringify(err));
handleLLMEnd: async () => {
widget = null;
let html = md(currentMessage);
await div(html);
let text = await getSelectedText();
await[new SystemChatMessage(prompt), new HumanChatMessage(text)]);